The test strips
There are three types of test strips: The qualitative test-papers look like little sheets which contain one reagent and maybe an another complementary one. These test-papers  can be diped into a sample and then by changing of the paper's colour  we will get information about the substance in question. Their  sensitivity is the same or smaller than the sensitivity of the quantitative test strips.
The test strips are actually paper bands that  have one or more small square sheets with reagent. As an attachment they have a range of colours that  shows the quantity of the analysed substance. They can be evaluated visually or photometrically. The evaluation with the  photometer is more exactly.

What  kind  of  substances  can  be  measured  by  test-papers  and  test-lines?

The following pictures show the nitrate, nitrite, total  hardness and  pH  measuring with quantitative test strips: